Now that school is in full swing, my principal and I are beginning our observations as a part of our new evaluation system. Indiana has put a a new evaluation plan in place, which is rather complex, but the teachers in my building are awesome, and are going along with ALL of it! **Lucky me!**
As I begin entering classrooms, I hesitate a bit because I remember the feeling when someone walked into my room. Sometimes I was ecstatic, because I wanted my principal to see the awesome things happening. Other times, my thoughts were a bit different. As I begin my routing of walk-throughs, observations, etc. I wanted to get your feedback. In one word, how would reflect on your feelings when your evaluator walks in? I'd love to read your comments, since I only know what my feelings were!
Halloween Writing!
My very first unit on TpT was created almost one year ago...and it was awful! I didn't realize it was awful at the time. I actually thought it was great, out of this world, ahh...my first time to use licensed clipart. Holy cow! Ever since then I have improved, edited, and revised. When I looked back at my Halloween Writing unit, I realized how far I've come. When I say this, I don't mean that my cover looks better, or the pages are more creative, but they are designed for real, student work. I revamped my writing unit to make it better for my students, and more thought out. Click on the pic below, check it out, and see what you think!
Finally, my good friend Natalie over at Teachery Tidbits has hit 500 followers! I know! She is awesome! She is having a week long giveaway with a winner everyday! She has so many ways to enter that are easy and fast. You can even win my Student Led Conference Binder for her Day 2 giveaway. Head on over to her blog to show Natalie some love and congrats for getting to 500! Click Natalie's link below to go to rafflecopter and enter!
I hope you all have a great end to your week!!