So I'm sure many of you have learned about the SIOP model, how to implement it in your classroom, and why it's best for your students, but I have really enjoyed being able to see this unfold with my ELL students this year. With 1/2 of my job as an ELL teacher, I have really been able to see the effects of thoughtful and intentional lesson planning with SIOP in mind. If you aren't familiar, however, here are the basic components. When I plan my lessons, I now use this as my format.
- Lesson Preparation
- Building Background
- Comprehensible Input
- Strategies
- Interaction
- Practice/Application
- Lesson Delivery
- Review/Assessment
My biggest aha, especially with small group reading, is that your anticipatory set, background knowledge, and preview of the text, may take more than one session. With your "typical" students, your intro may be short and quick. In order to make texts comprehensible, this is one of the greatest areas of impact to allow students to make meaning. Don't forget to make your introduction matter!
TPT 1 Year Anniversary...and a sale!
I must first say thank you, thank you, thank you! Today marks my 1st full year on TpT, and it has been an absolute ride! Not only do I feel grateful to everyone for your comments, ratings, and purchases, but the personal notes about how it has helped your class or a specific student just warms my heart.
In honor of all of YOU...I'm having an Anniversary Party!
Come on by to visit the sale here!
October Currently
Well it's the beginning of a new month, so what else is to be expected, but Farley's monthly Currently! I am always baffled with her creativity and the seasonal theme she integrates. Another home run, Farley! Visit her site, and link up to share your own Currently.

I'm watching the presidential debate too! I is interesting. I sooooo wished I could have heard what they said to each other when they came out and shook hands. :-) I'm looking forward to doing some election themed stuff with my kinders this year! The election process is always a fun thing to teach to young kiddos!!
Debbie :-)
K is for Kinderrific
I found you through the currently linky and I'm your newest follower. Congratulations on your TpT anniversary! I am loving the fall weather as well and it's never to early to think about a vacation. :)
I found you through the Currently linky. I love fall weather and I agree that the school year is going way too fast. I am a runner too! I haven't ran as much as I would like recently, but am trying to fit it in when I can!
Yeah, next week is the end of our 1st 9 weeks-not sure where the time is going! Glad to have found your blog! :)
Ugh! Parent/Teacher conferences. I don't mind them, but I have two sections so that's 42 conferences. Sigh . . . . I'm a new follower. Glad I found you through the linky!
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
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