Thursday, January 12, 2012

Curriculum Mapping...and Workout Mapping!

I have always known that I am better about running and working out when I have an end goal in mind.  I thought of it as my little curriculum map for running!  It is so much easier when you start with your end result, and work backwards to figure out how to get there.  A wonderful website that I'm sure many of you know about is Hal Higdon's Training site.  He has TONS of training plans.  I used his marathon novice schedule to train for my marathon in October, and I felt extremely prepared.  Check out his workout plans here!

If any of you are like me, I love to cross things off on my to-do list (see, I told you!)  When I have a workout schedule, it is SO satisfying to cross it off.  I even like to color code my weeks to make them look pretty for my own satisfaction.  It also makes those days I miss more obvious, and I HATE not being able to cross one off.  Find a race around you, and sign up!  Even if you just want to walk it, make a commitment, and do it!  You will NOT regret it, and with resources like Hal Higdon and yours truly, you will be on your way to success!

Try making a work out schedule that you post on your refrigerator or desk.   Make your time or distances specific so you know what to prepare and look forward to.  However, just like we get prep time at school to refocus and catch up with grading papers, planning, etc. your body needs the same.  Schedule rest days!  I like to treat myself on Fridays so that I can look forward to it!  I always try to have my longer runs/workouts on the weekend when I have more time to do them, and I can really focus and treat my body right.

Here is an example of a template you could use, but it's nothing fancy!  I am obviously not training for a marathon here, but it keeps me active, and my body healthy.   And if you are DO get to cross of those rest days too!! Your body NEEDS some rest to recuperate.  You are doing something purposeful when you have a rest day, so cross it off, and be proud!!

Get a copy of a weekly or monthly schedule to fill in for your own tracking.  Freebie!

Leave me comments about other things you do to commit yourself to your workouts, or any questions you may have.  I'm no expert, but I've done a lot of it!


  1. I love your blog and that you've found a way to combine teaching and running...two of my favorite things too! Thanks for sharing your monthly schedule. It's right up my ally!

  2. awesome! thanks for the website! I can't wait to get the ok from dr to start runnung again. I'm doing a marathon in savannah (rock n roll) and the the disney marathon and was needing a training schedule!

    The Teachers’ Cauldron
