Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Confession Time and iPhone apps for running!

Last week I had a parent email me about a 5K that our high school was holding as a fundraiser for our cross country teams.  The parent's 2nd grader who is in my class was going to do the fun run, and they knew that I had done a marathon. So what was 3 miles, right?  I committed to the family the night before at our winter carnival, had talked my sister into doing it with me, and was ready to go...until I woke up.

The 7am alarm on a Saturday morning was not taken kindly, and then I checked the weather.  My phone showed that it felt like 15 degrees outside...I was done.  I texted my sister, and we baled in a matter of a 30 second texting exchange.  All day I felt guilty!  Long story short if I would have just registered online rather than waiting to do it on site, I would have been to cheap not to go!  Note to self (and all of my readers!) - don't just verbally commit, but put it on your calendar and REGISTER for the race!!!

And now for the exciting news!  Since Saturday I have felt really bad about my running so I've been pretty gung ho since then.

I've also come across some pretty amazing running apps for running.  Below are some choices that you can pick based on your own desires.

-My favorite running device is my Garmin watch which I talked about in a previous post about my running must-haves, but iPhone apps are much more cost effective and just as easy to use!

1. iMapyMyRun - probably the most popular of iPhone running apps and basic version is FREE!

This app tracks your run and uses your GPS to gauge your speed and distance.  It logs your workouts, and will even find other friends of yours that might be running.  You can post your workouts to Facebook if you so choose, or keep them private for your own use.

2. GetRunning - Couch to 5K app $2.99

Get Running focuses on beginner runners and gaining endurance to run for 30 minutes consistently.  It is comprised of 3 workouts/week for 9 weeks.  It is an extremely manageable program, and gives amazing guidance for beginners.  This is perfect for someone wanting to get started with a 5K in mind. Sign up for a 5K race (and REGISTER-hehe), that is at least 9 weeks out, and use Get Running to get you running!

3. Endomondo - Great for setting goals to beat your own times and Free!

The basic edition of this is free or you can pay $2.99 for the Pro version.  This is a great app for setting goals and trying to beat previous times.  I also like this app for times when you are running and out of town.  It allows you to set a route ahead of time so you know where you're going!

4. Run Keeper - another great alternative to an expensive GPS watch!  Free!

This app is very similar to the others, but it does allow you to manually enter other workouts you have done.  It's great for when you have a treadmill run that you want to include in your workout history.  This one also tracks calories which some others don't do.

What other apps have you all used or feel are user friendly?  Have you ever bailed out on a run like I did this weekend?  I still feel bad!

Happy running!

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