Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Super Bowl Super Week!

This week in Indy has been CRAZY with the Super Bowl in town, and a WONDERFUL childhood friend just had her first baby last night!   I thought I'd share some of our excitement with you all, even if you aren't a Giants (YAY!) or Patriots (Boo!) fan.  Sorry, we live in Indy and the Pats are our rivals, playing in our stadium.  That is just no good!  

This past weekend my husband and some friends headed downtown for the festivities.  

This is the longest temporary zipline in the world.  We didn't want to wait the 3 hour wait, but the people on it looked like they were having a blast.  How cool to see this outside of our convention center.  Wish these things could stay forever!

Still cheering for our Colts despite the terrible season.  We have some serious changes coming our way though.  The whole contract, evaluation system, has some crazy similarities to the education world...well, I guess except the pay scale.  But our job is MUCH more rewarding!

At the John McLaughlin concert (I'm in the middle) with some other teacher friends.  We finally had some sun, but it was windy!  

I just thought this was a really cool picture of our downtown circle and the roman numerals.  Had to showcase our city for a bit!

And here is how we are celebrating at school!  We had a "Souper Bowl" luncheon today!  This is why I haven't blogged in a few days...I was slaving over the stove last night making a soup, but it was worth it today!

 We have a great permanent sub who does some awesome decorating and making our school look festive!  She created a wonderful teacher's lunch room for us to enjoy all the yummy soups, breads, and desserts.  And yes, she even created table decorations using the Super Bowl colors and a football "centerpiece"!  I always try to steal her decorating ideas for my own room, but it just doesn't ever look the same!

In the classroom this week we have been doing a lot of the activities from my Super Bowl Super Pack on TpT. Check it out for some last minute resources specific to the Giants and Patriots.  I left my personal favorite off of the unit, and tried to make it seem unbiased.

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