Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's that Time Again...Farley's March Currently!

Check out Farley's March Currently and join in on the fun!  I love seeing what everyone else is up to.

Thanks Farley for all of your creativity and designs.  I love the 3 Words with the first letter of our last name.  If you need a blog to make you feel better about your day or life...Farley is the trick!  

Can you see a theme in my comments?  Clearly we were watching a GREAT IU win tonight! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Spring Break DOES seem very far away! When is yours? Mine starts on March 26!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  3. THANKS so much for the nice words and thanks for linking up... I get state testing AFTER break...YAY

  4. At least moving into 2nd grade gets me out of actually giving the test for the first time in 5 years, but the schedule is still whack!

    Jill, our Spring Break is the first week of April.

  5. Ughhh...state testing sounds like no fun at all. Here I was whining about report card assessments. Love your 3 words!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  6. Best wishes for time to fly 'till Spring Break! :) I'm your newest follower.

    Hello Mrs Sykes

  7. Love it! We are watching the Bassmaster Classic... oh my fisherman husband :) Good thing I have blogs to keep me entertained!

  8. Congrats, you were one of the winners of my cause and effect giveaway. Head over to my blog so I can get your prize to you.

  9. Looks like you have a new blog design, no? Or perhaps it's been forever since I've been able to blog stalk properly! I love your Currently. Spring break does seem far away, but not as far away as it was last year. Last year it was towards the end of April! Hopefully time will go quickly for us (this year it starts on April 9th for us). We'll get there soon :)

    Living A Wonderful Life

  10. iPad are the best! Every home should have 2!!!
    Love your /R/ words.

  11. Thanks for all the comments! I have done some changes to my blog, but the actual new design is hopefully coming soon! I'm on pins and needles waiting. Hopefully in the next week!

  12. Love the word Rowdy, of course. think you've escaped the state testing, but then they'll ask you to be a small group test administrator and you will feel guilty because you were totally going to do a fun something instead of worry about all those folks testing so you will say yes. And it will still be as bad as you remembered! Ha!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  13. Basketball!!! It's that time of year! SU fan here. :)
    I am a runner too. I think we should make a blog up for teachers who are runners. :)
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  14. I love that font! Can you tell me the name and where I can get it

    Pocket Full of Kinders

  15. Can you leave the font name on my blog I thought you had a subscribe my email button but I don't see one so can you write the response on my blog?

    Thanks again

    Ms Patterson
