Sunday, March 11, 2012

Prepping for the Week, Pinerly, and Teachers Helping Teachers!

On this beautiful Sunday afternoon in the Indy area, I'm working on lesson plans and report cards...wah wah! :(

Lesson Plans
The only exciting thing about it is using a lot of the things from my St. Patty's Palooza Unit on TpT in my lesson plans and having the sun shine come in through the windows!  Click on the picture for more details

A large portion of it is connected to Tomie DePaola's Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato.  Don't have a copy?  It's on YouTube in a video format (not great quality, but it works).  Some of the things I'm excited to do, and some quick and easy resources you can use last minute, are below.

Along with cause and effect, a character comparison double bubble, and graphing our favorite potatoes, a student favorite is creating their own potato characters and writing a story about them.  You can do it with partners, and focus on adjectives, have individual stories focusing on a problem and solution, or put it at your writing center

 Quick and easy resources with little prep:
- finding the word that doesn't fit the pattern
- lucky word ladder
- making words
- a place value mat to use with number cards.

One thing I am really excited about is the newest update for Pinterest called Pinerly!  It makes it easier to use, easier to find people with similar interests, and keeps you organized!  Check it out before it's public by clicking on the picture!

Teachers Taking Care of Teachers
Crystal over at Kreative in Kinder has started an awesome linky party to offer assistance to the teachers who have been impacted by the tornado.  Click the heart to see how you can help!

Have a great week this week!  I'll be back later in the week for updates on things we've been doing for St. Patty's Day and my next Parent Involvement Tip!  


  1. I am a beginning runner and we're running out first 5 mile run in St. Louis this weekend. I'm super excited!

    We live only a few miles from Harrisburg, IL and I plan to help out local teachers. The storm were heartbreaking.

    I have an award for you on my blog!!!! Come over and check it out. I'm also having a giveaway right now! =)
    First with Franklin

  2. Thanks girls! I'll post about the award during commercial breaks of The Bachelor (I hate wait for the next part!). Thank you SOOOOOO much!

    Erin - good luck with your first run! You will do great, and just remember how far you've come, not how far you have to go! :)
