Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm Back...with a new weather unit, a sale, and running struggles!

I have been on an blogging hiatus due to a death in the family, but I'm back!!! I've missed my blogging buddies and getting feedback from all of you for the past 8 or 9 days! So sorry! :(

I've been working on a weather unit for quite some time, and it is finally finished! What I love is that you can mix and match whatever you want to do for your weather unit. It is a Super File for Weather! My goal was to keep all of their work in one place so that they can use it as a study guide or weather resource later on! It has a ton of foldables that go into a file folder. I love it, and can't wait to start it tomorrow! I'll be back later in the week to give you some photos of our weather in action. Click on the image below for its link to TpT! It's only $3.40 with my sale right now!

Also, I'm a bit late in the day, so I'll extend my sale through April 16th (but don't do that with your taxes!!). Click on the picture below to get 15% off my entire TPT store, including my NEW Weather Unit! Yay!

Lastly, today, I have to share some running struggles. I often use running as an outlet, to feel better about what I've done each day, escape the world of teaching just for a bit, or to train for a race. Last weekend I ran 10 miles with a friend, and felt great! It was so nice to get some good mileage in at a good pace, but I haven't been running as much during the week as I want to. I always fall back on the, "I don't have enough time" mantra. I came across this on Pinterest, and loved it!
Even if I just get out for a 20 or 30 minute run, it's only 2% of my day! Stop with the excuses Mary Beth and Run Teacher Run!! Who else is with me?!?!

Have a splendid week, and let me know how your 4% workouts are going!


  1. Sorry to hear you had a death in the family, but I'm glad you are back to blogging!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  2. aw - I'm so sorry - but I'm totally with you on getting off my rear!! Time to lose this last bit of baby weight/fat!!
