Friday, April 4, 2014

Five for Friday!

Happy Friday!  For some it's a bit sour since it might mean the end of your Spring Break, but for others it's signaling the start!  Either way, it's Friday and time for five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

#1 on my list today is that my baby boy is 1 month old today!  What a perfect celebration on this gloomy, but glorious Friday!  He has brought us so much joy and is absolutely perfect in every way, no really, he is!  I mean who could resist this? :)

In Indiana business over the last few weeks is that we are the official first state to DROP OUT of the Common Core State Standards.  Whatever you feel on this topic, it's a bit frustrating that we've started implementing them and then we'll need to make adjustments.  The new set of standards has to be approved by July, and the sad part is that they are very, VERY similar to CCSS.  In my opinion, why the big fuss when there aren't any significant changes?

Did you know that it's Math Awareness Month?  What better way to celebrate than with a math Freebie!  This will be free through Wednesday, so feel free to share with others (and leave some feedback, too!). 

This is a picture of my bracket!  Can you see that I still have 2 teams left - and I'm a Big Ten fan?  At this point, I'm in the lead in my March Madness league and there is no way for anyone to catch me!  I can watch the games this weekend and just enjoy them...and also know that I have money coming my way!

And finally, I wanted to leave you with this thought for the day.  I hope you all are smiling today - it's Friday!

 I'm also linked up with Freebie Friday, so hop over and enjoy some other great Freebies!

Gotta run!  Enjoy your weekend!



  1. This week was a doozy for me--I definitely was smiling today that it was Friday! I honestly didn't know states had the option of dropping out of CC. I would be frustrated too if we had to change everything after working so hard to make changes this year!

  2. Congratulations on your sweet baby boy Mary Beth!

    A Teachable Teacher
