...do math workshop! This past winter I led a professional development session on Guided Math/Math Workshop (They are not interchangeable, but I'll refer to this structure as Guided Math from here on out) for my district. I'm going to share some of the things I shared with them. First, a resource I use a lot to reference for tips and structures is Laney Sammons, Guided Math book.
Sammons' describes Guided Math:
Guided Math is a flexible instructional framework that enables teachers to promote the deep mathematical understanding and computational fluency of their students by determining their unique needs and prescriptively addressing those needs through a combination of whole group instruction, small group instruction, math workshop, and conferences within a classroom environment that promotes numeracy.
Okay, so I highlighted the two phrases that make Guided Math so remarkable. First of all, I think teachers focus a lot on the structure of their math block to make it more engaging for their students. However, I think the biggest part comes down to students' "unique needs and prescriptively addressing those needs". After all, the whole point in creating a rotation-type structure is to allow yourself to have small groups to teach. So....you HAVE to differentiated and meet the specific needs of your students in each of your small groups. If you teach the same lesson 3 or 4 times in a row to small groups, then you might as well teach it whole group and save yourself from being a broken record. Get my drift? The purpose is for differentiation! So....here is the schedule I use in order to maximize the time with my small groups. And...we're really fortunate to have 75 minutes for math built into each grade level's schedule.
Since I am no longer in the classroom, the changes I might put in place would revolve around the independent work students are doing. This needs to be meaningful and relevant, NOT busy work.
I have LOTS and LOTS of math related products, so I won't bore you with all of them, but here are a few of the highlights and most loved products for you to check out.
I have been trying to incorporate more writing/journaling into my math time. How do you make this work for younger students?
Not very fancy