It's perfect timing too because my Student Led Conference Data Binder on TpT was just updated with new things! In an earlier post, I wrote about my To Do List for this summer, and now I get to cross this one off! Yay for anal retentive lists, crossing things off, and redoing this unit! It now includes Science and Social Studies, generic templates for you to fill in for you specific data targets, as well as trimester and quarterly graphs for those of you on different grading periods! WooWoo!!
I have been getting several emails from people wanting specific changes, and am working on those! If anyone else needs anything school specific, let me know!! It may not be perfect, but it'll be functional. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday without lesson planning or grading. There won't be many of these left before we get into crazy school mode again!

Hi! I found your blog on TBA. I'm starting data notebooks this year and will hopefully work on adding student led conferences to my repertoire. Thank you for your post and examples. It really helps to gain some sort of vision for this type of thing. I'm your newest follower!
The Teaching Thief
Your post was incredible on TBA! Thank you for being a part of the team. Happy Blogging!
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