I shared with you all a while back that I had interviewed for and accepted a new position that I was way excited about! What I didn't share was that it was for an Assistant Principal position! After accepting the position, I began thinking about what direction I should take the blog. Luckily, I am only a half time AP, so I'll still get to do push-in support and help kiddos the other half (part of what I <3ed about the position!). However, I won't be doing full units, fun lessons, or enrichment activities to share with you. Heck, I'm not even figuring out what them I want to do for my classroom next year! I don't have one! Yes, I've cried about this. When my room was empty (which I posted before) I walked out, stared at the name on my door, and cried. I knew I wouldn't have my very own classroom again.
Then I got to see my office, move in to my new school, and I am really excited! Yes, I said office. I mean most teachers love school supplies, organizational things, binders, dividers, hanging files, etc. I now get to live in my own world of it, where I don't have to reorganize and clean up after 25 little kiddos each day! The only person I can blame for a messy office though, is me! Whoops! I didn't think that through.
Okay, so about my struggles. Obviously there will be things about my new position that I won't be able to share due to confidentiality and such, but I wasn't sure what direction to take the blog. Without my classroom, creating my own lessons, etc. I didn't want to leave you all out to dry with nothing to write about. I decided I'm just going to go with it though. I'm going to share my trials and tribulations in a new building, with a new staff, becoming an administrator, and everything in between! If you all have anything you want me to specifically write about or have always wondered about from your Administrative team, let me know!
Yes, I have crossed over to the OtHeR SiDe but I also get to do some teaching, so it's the best of both worlds!
On to My Thanks! During my blogging hiatus I have received countless blogging awards from various bloggers and I am every so grateful. When you take a break there is guilt involved. When you haven't blogged in a while, but you are still getting awards there is A LOT, and I MEAN A LOT, of guilt involved. Thank you to the following bloggers for their awards! You guys are awesome and have Lovely, Versatile blogs of your own!
Versatile Blogger Award: Steph at The Quirky Apple
Versatile Blogger Award and One Lovely Blog Award: Jess at From Blood to Books
Versatile Blogger Award: Becky at Teaching, Learning, Loving
One Lovely Blog Award: Laura at TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students
One Lovely Blog Award: Susannah a Susie's Seconds
One of my favorite parts of each month, is sharing Farley's Currently. I'm a bit behind this month, but here she is. So pretty. So vibrant. So America!
Click on my Currently to Link up with Farley. Her blog posts are always good for a pick-me-up, a chuckle, and a reminder that not everyone is perfect and we all have a stream of consciousness that makes us sound a bit nutty!
On the last one, I really did struggle pinning down one book that I go to all of the time. The books I most enjoy reading are ones with practical applications and easy to apply concepts to the classroom. The books I am most reflective with and are most rewarding are the ones that make me question my practices, think about deeper understandings with my students, and drive me to talk to my fellow colleagues about different topics. So, with all of that verbiage, I don't have a favorite!
Finally, is my Vow, to remember what it's like to be a teacher 24-7, to keep student needs at the forefront of all of my decisions, and to blog about these experiences along the way!

Good luck with your new endeavor!! I look forward to hearing more about it. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Congrats on your new position! I can really relate to your sadness upon leaving your room. I just experienced that with the sale of our house!
Good luck! I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences in "the office" :)
Live Laugh and Love to Learn
Congratulations on the new job, and good luck! I just found your blog through Farley's Currently linky, and I'm a new follower! I'm no runner, but I'm trying to make myself one...I don't know if it'll work, haha! Any tips??
Third Grade's A Charm
I like your blog! A student introduced me to Stone Fox. It is such a great book. We are awarding you the One Lovely Blog award. Stop by our blog to receive it. :)
Antoinette and Emily
Hi Mary Beth--I am your newest follower. I found your blog on someone else s blog roll and decided to check out your bog (the name of your blog is what caught my eye!)
So here I am! Congrats on your new position. I am sure you are very excited and a little nervous. What a great adventure!!!
Well I look forward to reading all about it. Come on over and check out my blog if you get a chance...
Tales from a 4th (and 5th) Grade Teacher
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