Sunday, June 2, 2013

Becoming a cart teacher and June Currently!

Wow!  It's June!  The kids last day was Thursday, and I work through this coming Thursday, but summer is on the horizon!  Can't wait!

As many of you know, my position is half time ELL teacher and coordinator and half time assistant principal.  I'll reflect on my first year in another post.  One piece of my June Currently, though, is that I'm needing to figure out how on Earth I'm going to take all of my supplies and condense them onto a cart.  The piece I'm struggling with the most is what to do with my books.  With my ELL kiddos I loved that I was able to offer a a large selection of books from my library.  Living and teaching from a cart is going to restrict those opportunities.  Have any of you ever taught from a cart, or seen someone do it with ease?  Talk about the need the get creative this summer! :)

I must say one thing I love about summer is that I get to piddle in my yard.  I love to be outdoors, so any excuse I can find to be outside is usually taken advantage of.  It might sound crazy, but I enjoy yard work, bringing color to my yard, and learning about new flowers/plants along the way!

Link up with Farley's June Currently to see what others are up to these days with summer just around the corner for nearly everyone!

Gotta run!


  1. Wow, teaching on a cart!! I did that 19 years ago for my first position, but I taught math and science and the students had textbooks, so I didn't really need to carry too much around with me! We did have a teacher that bought one of those crates on wheels and she hauled that all over the place--- even up and down stairs.

    I guess it's good that your school is growing, though. Most of the schools around me are shrinking and we have layoffs almost every year.

    Good luck to you... oh and I found you through Farley's Currently and I just love finding new blogs to stalk.

    My Journey to 5th Grade

  2. I was a "rover" for my first year of teaching - we changed rooms every three weeks. The kids would pack up their books into paper bags and walk over the next room while I pushed my cabinet on wheels behind them. Talk about stressful! Sorry to hear about your cart!

  3. A cart?! Do you pull out, or will you be in the regular ed classroom working with your students? I've never done that before, but I would think organization is key! Lots of supply and paper organizers (baskets, caddies, shelves, etc.) Good luck!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  4. Hi Mary Beth! I appreciate you coming by my blog. I cannot wait to have you join in on the *Super Summer Schedule* :)

    Also, I just started gardening for the first time this year and my flowers that I didn't think would bloom are GORGEOUSLY blooming!!! So, I totally know the feeling of loving your flowers blooming :)

    SO sorry to hear about the cart... that has got to be a pain in the butt. How does that work in your school? Do you just go to different classes, pull the kiddos out, and work in a hallway? Rough!!

    If you find a place for summer wedges, let me know. I'm on the lookout, too!

    SO glad to be a new follower of yours :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  5. I love seeing everything come back to life this time of year! I was out in my garden this morning and see that my Japanese Iris are about ready to bloom. So beautiful!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  6. Great summer vacay items! I love having lots of different pairs of cute sunglasses.

    Being a cart teacher sounds hard. Good luck getting everything together for that.

    Compassionate Teacher

  7. thanks for linking up you have a great list of summer items... I love being outside too... playing in the backyard

  8. Hi~Your blog is super cute. :) Good luck with your cart. I did that once when we had a pipe issue and a flood! I'm your newest follower. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  9. Hi! I'm switching from 6th to 5th grade next year and found your blog from Farley's linky party! Check out my blog and subscribe by email:

    I look forward to reading more! :)
