It's National Running Day! What a great reason to make yourself go run today! A cool website called RunNow is trying to log a million miles today in honor and remembrance of the Boston Marathon tragedy. It's easy to join in on the fun, and it's really fun to see how all of the states rank. Poor Indiana isn't the worst, but certainly can't compete with California and Texas!
I logged 2.3 miles (I know...a very strange number!) after work today and the weather was gorgeous! I really couldn't have asked for a better day to run. My run wasn't to train for anything or to set a personal record, but it actually felt better than most of the runs I did while training for the Mini! Isn't it funny how when you set yourself up to do something in particular it can sometimes get in the way? It's even motivating to just go out and run on a whim. I didn't have my watch charged, so I used the MapMyRun app on my phone and only had it set up to give me updates at each mile. The best part was that I had no idea when it would pipe into my head phones, and then I was surprised at the stats it was giving me too! When these types of runs come along, they are motivating and keep you going. It was a welcome run to start off my summer.
Ahhhh...and even better than that...tomorrow is my last "official" work day until July 15th, and did I mention the weather is beautiful!?!? I got to hang out on my back porch after my run, look at the flowers, and just enjoy being at home.
Holy smokes! 100 Posts! That doesn't even seem feasible! Well anyway, it has come, and in honor of you all who have stuck with me, just joined me, or befriended out of courtesy, I'm throwing a sale just for you!!! Click on the link below and enjoy 20% off my entire store through Saturday!
You can start your work on organizing Data Binders or Reader's Workshop activities or fun math review games. Get them printed, copied, 3-hole punch, laminated, whatever you need to do and be ready for the fall!!
Gotta run and enjoy the rest of my evening watching the CMT Awards with the hubs!
Wow, after reading your post, it makes me want (actually need) to run! Congrats on the 100th post! I'm your newest follower and I found you through Miss V's Busy Bees's giveaway! :)
Cheers To School
Congrats on your 100th post!!
I MOVED! Check out my new site:
Think, Wonder, & Teach
Just found your blog! Congrats on your 100th post. I'm a teacher-runner too. Looking forward to reading! (Love your cute header btw!)