Monday, June 10, 2013

Mentor Text Monday (from Sunday)

Good morning!  I must say that this is officially my first week of summer, and I am loving it!  I might be loving it only because I've been productive. Remember, it's just the first day. The dogs and I went on a 3 mile walk (they are wiped out!-see below), the kitchen has been tidied, and now I'm blogging!

But for the real stuff that you all actually care about!  I'm linking up with Collaboration Cuties to share about a mentor text for math.  


I love integrating picture books and texts into math.  Not only does it add another read aloud into the day, but it gives students context for what they are learning.  It's not always easy to explain why concepts are important in the real world, and using books can certainly help.  With part of my job working with ELL students, books give students visuals alongside the content language.  So glad to be linking up and finding all of these great new resources! 


This book, by Bill Grossman, is a hilarious tale that will make your kids laugh and learn about counting.  The little sister eats one hare, and continues eating until she's eaten 10 peas.  In between though she eats snakes, bats, worms, lizards, etc.  It has a repetitive tone, and many students can relate to either their own little sister or a friend's little sister.  The book is fairly primary as far as the counting skills go, but the illustrations provide visuals too.  This book would be great to pair at a counting math center so that students could match the numbers with what they see in the book.  They could also continue the story by saying that she has eaten 11 of something, and then drawing a picture that corresponds with that number.  What a fun, and hilarious, class book to have!

My intro question based on the cover of the book, is why they think I would pick this book for a math lesson.  Some students mention the number one, but nearly all are quite puzzled.  It certainly draws them into the lesson, and keeps them on their toes.  We revisit the same question at the end of the book.

As a follow up to the book, I like to read it aloud and pay attention to the story structure.  It is a great mentor text for creating a similar story.  The students quickly catch onto the pattern, and I've never heard so many giggles during writer's workshop.  That whole line of, "wait until the end of writing time to talk with your neighbor about your story" doesn't quite work for this one!  

Shout Out to Miss V!
Miss V is celebrating her 1 Year Blogiversary and is having an amazing giveaway!!  Each day, for 6 days she is giving away 20, YES 20, items to one winner.  You can enter each day and do as many entries as you see fit.  I'm excited to be a part of her Day 1 Giveaway (which ends in 2 days!), and I'm giving away my Weather Unit to one lucky winner!  Click on the button below to enter!  For those of you joining me here from her giveaway, thanks for following me and joining in on the fun!

Alrighty, gotta run!  The pool (and my pale skin) is calling my name!


  1. Thanks for another mentor text suggestion! My wish list is growing :)

    Your dogs are so cute!!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  2. This book looks really cute! I have not seen it before! I love that you put it at a center and let the students use it to help them with their counting! I forget to leave the books out at centers sometimes! That's a great reminder!

    Thank you for linking up!
    Collaboration Cuties

  3. Way to get up and going on day 1 of summer...that is not easy! The pups look adorable as always!

    I am definitely going to have to had this book to my wish list. It looks super cute and I know my kids will get a kick out of it!

    Thanks for sharing!

    PS excited to see you this weekend!

    Learning to the Core

  4. Your mentor text looks really cute! I found your blog through the linky and I am a new follower.

  5. I found you through Collaboration Cuties' mentor text linky. Your blog is cute! Love the title... I had a shirt I used for my first marathon, and it said, Run, Gwen, Run! Happy to be a new follower!

    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  6. This book looks super cute! I'll have to check it out. I'm your newest follower :-)

    Real Teachers Learn

  7. This book looks adorable. Thanks for sharing. I'm a new follower!

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching
