As I've stepped into this role, there have been many things that I've wanted to go back and change in my previous classrooms, such as minimum reading requirements. Why would I limit my readers to just 15 or 20 minutes a night if they would have read 30? Why wouldn't I encourage my reluctant readers through high-interest text selection and work on finding good books for them rather than counting minutes? So...I've taken one day during the week to talk about books we've read, do a book talk, and go to the library to find good fit books with high-interest levels. Yes, this is an entire 30 minutes where the mini-lesson is directed toward determining the central message or theme, finding rhythm and rhyme in words, or responding to our reading through writing.
To encourage reading, I of course, headed to Pinterest and blogs to see what other people had created for reading incentives. I came across The Teacher Wife's reading incentive chart and liked the concept, but wasn't sure my 3rd and 4th grade boys would want necklaces. From this, I started thinking what I could do that would visually encourage reading. I made a tag for each of my ESL kiddos, bought some ribbon, and went to town. The title of our board? Real.Hard.Reading.Work.
First of all, they just love to see their name, and they all get their own ribbon. I lined all of them up on the wall, and each time they get to another 100, they get a new card to put on their ribbon, but they also get a ticket in our school-wide positive behavior system. Those tickets are like gold, so the kids are really excited!
Happy Fall, and enjoy your extra hour of sleep tonight with Daylight Savings Time!

Glad to have found your blog as I have many ELLs in my class. I also wish I could be better about making time to read. I read so much in the summer but hardly at all during the year.
iTeach 1:1
I LOVE your blog!!! I also love your reading incentive chart! It is so cute! I may just "borrow" this idea from you!! :) I am also thinking about all those people on the east coast..So sad..I will continue praying for all those affected..Thank you for sharing your November Currently! :)
Free weekend . . . as in no places you HAVE to be??!! I am so jelly :) I have something every day this round. Live it up my friend. You've earned it I'm sure!!
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
I too, don't have anything scheduled for the weekend! My daughter and husband are on a daddy daughter trip.
My house is calling me to clean or check out blogs!
Glad I stopped by yours. Love the reading incentive.
Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun
I love your reading chart!! I will definitely be filing it away for future use. I am glad to have found you through the Currently Link-up!
<a href=">Learning 4 Keeps</a>
Your reading chart is too cute. I love the name of your blog. It fits you well with you being a marathon runner!
The Hive
Your blog is adorable. I am so glad I found you through this month's currently. Your reading chart is super creative. Stop by and check out my Currently when you get a chance.
Bright Concepts 4 Teachers
Hi I just found your blog today and I LOVE your 10 minute challenge. I just pinned your idea hopefully it will catch on around blogland and pinterestville. Looking forward to reading more great ideas from your blog.
✰ Stacy
Simpson Superstars
cute cute reading chart!!! thanks so much for linking up and i LOVE Lion King
Soooo happy to have found you, Mary Beth!!! I'm currently reading Pathways, as well. Love.
Growing Firsties is having a Pete the Cat Giveaway soon!
Wanted to pop back to let you know my Pete the Cat Giveaway is live and it also includes a donation for Hurricane Sandy Relief. :)
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