6:17 - My first alarm goes off (I don't like even numbers, so it's always set for odd!). I then snooze one more time, wake up, and check the news, email, facebook, weather, etc. on my phone while still cozy in my bed and snuggling with the Mr.
6:35 - My dog has had enough of me snooping on my phone and wants to go outside. Then I head up to shower, get ready, and head off for my 30 minute commute. Lately, I've been alternating between the radio and books on CD.
7:40 - Arrive at school, put my lunch in the fridge, turn on my computer, and then start grading paper. My computer takes FOREVER to load, so I make sure I get other things done during this time.
8:50 - The kids start coming, get unpacked, and start on their morning work. We have a really late start, but it allows for good work time before school.
9:10 - Math groups! I love math, and this is one of my favorite parts of the day!
10:10 - Word Work and Phonics - after coming from 3rd grade, I have a new-found excitement for phonics. I am very Type A, and our Intensive Phonics program allows me to bring that out every day!
10:45 - Guided Reading - My kids really like changing classrooms and moving around a bit during this time.
11:30 - Lunch/Recess (WOOHOO..first break of the day if I don't have recess duty!)
12:35 - RTI - I have the enrichment group and really enjoy the projects we get to do during this time. We are currently designing sails to put on a small raft (think McD's pancake foam tray) that will go across a fishing line track. Very fun!
1:05 - Writer's Workshop - I learn so much conferencing with these kids! They help me plan my future mini lessons and don't even realize it.
1:55 - Reader's Workshop - By far my kids' favorite part of the day! This year they just love to read. I think they would be okay without any mini-lessons and just straight up reading time every day.
2:40 - Pack Up, fill in assignment notebooks, and I start thinking about my prep time...finally!
2:50 - Specials
3:30 - Pick up kids, grab backpacks, and head to the buses!
3:40 - Whew! Now to reenergize for tomorrow, or think about what's for dinner. Wah wah..
I enjoyed reading about your day! I have last plan too and I'm always so happy when it comes! It makes for a LONG day.
Stories From Second
You all do start school really late! I am just about done with first period when yours come! I have my planning period almost last and I love it too!!! So thankful it is also during Sonic Happy Hour!!!
Thanks for linking up!
Miss Klohn
Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher
I wish I could get myself to school an hour before we started!! But I am way too busy being warm in my bed checking facebook like you. :)
Marvelous Multiagers!
I hate that it takes forever for my computer to turn on too! It is one of the first things I have to do to make sure that I can get set up for the day on time!
Thanks for sharing!
To The Square Inch
You do start late! I have kids coming in starting at 7:10! However, it is nice to get done a little earlier. When I taught 5th grade we had our planning at the end of the day and I loved it. Now, I just have to get through S.S. and then I have my planning so it still works out nicely. Loved reading about your day!
Living A Wonderful Life
WOW! That is a late start! My computer can take forever to start and when it is shut down I have to reload all of my fonts....so I don't shut it down everyday (shhhhh)!
I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance! I have LOTS of *freebies* for math tubs that your kiddos might be able to use! =)
Heather's Heart
wow..y'all start late! Kind of jealous...but then I'm out pretty early, so maybe not..hehe..
Hey - question..trying to update my player for when I can get back into running...do you have any favorites you can share??
The Teachers’ Cauldron
Hey Jen! My go to artists to get motivated are Black Eyed Peas and Adele. Kind of a funny combo, but it works for me and gets me excited to start my run. There is also a website called thewhitepanda.com that makes remixes of different genres of music. For instance, they have Notorious B.I.G. mixed with Tom Petty. It sounds VERY strange in print, but they actually do a great job of mixing them. They make a new mix each week too. Something new and different to try if you want!
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